Love of the form in Cancioneiro Geral by Garcia de Resende / O amor pela forma no Cancioneiro Geral de Garcia de Resende


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In order to find out a poetics of Garcia de Resendes Cancioneiro Geral it is necessary to analyze the songbook not only through its content, but mainly through its form, constituted of rhythm, rhyme, metric and, above all, its stanza structure and rhetoric recourses. The purpose of this thesis is to define an implicit ars poetica of the compilation organized by Garcia de Resende, who collected poems from 1449 to 1516, registering in it an age called pre-Renaissance. Through six groups of forms ballads, vilancetes, esparsas, trovas, cantigas and poems of mixed forms, an innovation of the compendium and through the study of rhetoric artifices employed by the court poets, it is possible to catch a glimpse of a non proposed poetics by Resende in his Prologue, unlike what occurred with the Castilian cancioneros of the same epoch. However, through the paradigms found in what could be called love of the form by those poets, and through the genders they cultivated, it is possible to realize a poetics that characterizes Resendes songbook.


cancioneiro geral de garcia de resende formas e gêneros forms and genders garcia de resendes cancioneiro geral poemas de formas mistas poems of mixed forms poética poetics retórica rhetoric

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