Loss and mourning in the nursing team at the emergency surgery center. / Perda e luto na equipe de enfermagem do centro cirúrgico de urgência e emergência




Death is a theme that has always aroused mans curiosity. The arrival of technology, accompanied by the modernization of medical techniques, permits a cure for countless diseases. Modern life has acquired an important characteristic: the fear man has caught of death. Death has left the homes and family sphere and entered the hospitals, being experienced by the people who work there. These are health professionals, who now suffer the impact of loss and have to deal with all feelings originating in death. This study aims to get to know the meaning of patientsdeath for nursing professionals at the Emergency Surgery Center of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital das Clínicas, Brazil. The research was developed through the clinical-qualitative method. Research participants were nursing auxiliaries and technicians and nurses from the surgery center under study. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview and organized in four themes: childrens death, rationalization of death, emotional involvement and support to health professionals. The nursing team demonstrated impaired emotional ability to elaborate the losses experienced in their daily work, mainly when death involves children and young people. There is an established concept that the gratification for their work only exists in cure, seeing death as frustration and professional failure. This charges them with a negative emotional burden and mental suffering, exposes them to the risk of developing the burnout syndrome and makes it impossible for them establish affective bonds in their professional and also personal relationship. The need is evidenced to include subjects on death into the training curricula of these professionals. Institutional support is needed to promote situations that help professionals to elaborate the mourning process, such as the so-called Balint and Reflection Groups.


morte equipe de enfermagem nursing team death mourning luto

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