Los retos de la produccion de anonaceas en Mexico: produccion y mercadeo


Rev. Bras. Frutic.




By analyzing the current Annonaceae's world challenges in Mexico, we consider all parties, from the producer, the target markets and all the way up to final consumer. In a globalized agribusiness environment and increasingly competitive, businesses that cater to the needs of consumers are the only ones that will survive and grow. The Inter-Entrepreneurial Cooperation, called by some "Network-Company", to jointly exploit the advantages of large companies (Consortia) and small business (quickness), is the first major challenge. A second challenge is composed of the factors driving the market: Food Safety, Product Quality, Innovation, Lower Costs, and Developing New Markets. A third challenge is adapting Competitive Annonaceae to climate changes. Finding efficient microorganisms of biological control, to protect food, is the fourth challenge and a promising alternative to control undesirable organisms.Positioning Annonaceae as the Emblematic Fruit of Latin America in the International Markets operating a Continental Value Chain, and converge with all continental actors in this great effort imposed by the global dynamics, is undoubtedly the Grand Challenge and our invitation, to assume, in this memorable International Congress . As such is integration of Continental Ecosystem Innovation for Sustainable Development of the Annonaceae.

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