Livros didáticos e modelagem matemática : uma caracterização da transposição didática do conteúdo de integral nestes ambientes




This research shows an investigation about the Didactic Transposition of the contents of the Differential and Integral Calculus in didactic books and in activities of Mathematical Modeling. The study is reasoned in the theory of the Didactic Transposition of Yves Chevallard and in the Mathematical Modeling as a pedagogical alternative. We established previously three attributes reasoned in the requisites and characteristics of the Didactic Transposition of the knowledge to the knowledge how to teach defined by Yves Chevallard and in rules elaborated by Jean-Pierre Astolfi. The investigation has as aim infer if these attributes are observed in the transposition of the content of integral in Didactic books and in activities of Mathematical Modeling. We analyzed the books of calculus 1 by George Thomas Jr. and A Course of Calculus volume 1 by Hamilton Guidorizzi and four activities of Mathematical Modeling. The analysis revels that the Didactic Transposition of the knowledge to the knowledge of teaching is partially included in the didactic books. We also infer that the Didactic Transposition of the knowledge to the knowledge of teaching is partially included in the activities of Mathematical Modeling, however about different aspects. These data permitted to notice the advantages and disadvantages of working mathematical concepts by means of activities of Mathematical Modeling and didactical books and the potentiality of the association of the book and the activities for the teaching of the Differential and Integral Calculus.


educação matemática - modelos matemáticos modelos matemáticos - livros didáticos mathematics education mathematics education - mathematical models mathematical models - textbooks educação matemática

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