Linear structures projects: transport roads and energy trails - sustentainability limits / Projetos de estruturas lineares: o transporte e suas trilhas e os caminhos da energia - os limites da sustentabilidade




The research´s main subject, as seen in the title, Linear Structure Projects: Transport roads and energy trails sustentainable limits, refers to the linear structures and the lanes that are needed to its implantation like the roads structure lanes and also different kinds of transportation, transmission energy lines and pipelines. The researchs extracts selected to the Thesis, make references to the chapters that are going to be developed they are: Chapter one: Research projects previous considerations were analyzed as well as the linear structures types that are inside of all transportation and energy net. Chapter two: The linear city under the eyes of the water and energy nature course. São Paulo`s territorial occupation, since the search of sustainable place, the natural environment, until metropolitan occupation.The transport system drawing the built environment until the regional boundary. Chapter three: The Environmental Impact Assessment EIA on the implantation of linear structures projects, with basis on environmental impact concepts and suitable methodologies for quality and quantity evaluation. Chapter four: The ways of public participation are discussed aiming the benefits of its procedure. Public participation on the projects analysis process through communication techniques and public hearings among others. Chapter five: Come to conclusion after analyzing the select cases on São Paulo`s metropolitan area, alternatives were brought to discussion for a new future construction with same typologies of linear structures. A new model of project evaluation is presented. The segments of transport and energy nets must be evaluated with sustainable basis.


avaliação meio ambiente planejamento urbano rodovias impact assessment projects energia transmissão roads railways arquitetura environment environmental impacto ambiental dutos gas pipelines desenvolvimento sustentável infra estrutura sustentainable development urban planning transmission energy architecture projetos

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