Liberalismo e reforma educacional : os parametros curriculares nacionais




This work analyses the alteration of the liberal ideology in order to maintain the capitalist way of production. It emphsyses the centricity of the educational point concerning this thought. Education has been presented along the history of the liberal thought as an essential tool for the individual progress and as a necessary item to promote the general well-being. The liberalist assigned to school education the task of building a "fair society", or, in other words, the role to perform the social integration.The current work verifies tOOt the guides for the present educational reform, both on national and international ambit, are inpregnated with ideological goals, under the pretext to perform the "social inclusion". Therefore, this dissertation analyses the enlargement of school contents conception, proposed by Brazil curricu1um guides and their function related with the legitimation ofthe "new economical order".


reforma do ensino liberalismo educação e desenvolvimento economico curriculos - mudança

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