Leituras de alfabetização da EJA: práticas de letramento em construção




Efforts have been made from the historical-cultural perspective, the readings made by learners in adult and youth education (EJA) to clarify how the learning of reading has helped for the inclusion of these students in a larger number of practice letters. To achieve this goal, it was developed a qualitative research, characterized as a case study of ethnographic type, with the students and the teacher of a class of the first segment (class of literacy) of the Municipal EJA of Florianópolis capital city, in 2007. Among the twenty-three learners who were part of the class studied five students were selected as research subjects, because those who were more advanced in the process of reading. For the selection of subjects was made an examination, based on the National Indicator test of functional literacy (INAF). After the selection of five students, a comprehensive interview with them and with the teacher. Finally, participatory observations are made in classroom. Among the main theoretical references used are Ribeiro (1999, 2001, 2003), Tfouni (2006), Kleiman (2004), Soares M., (1998, 2002), Mortatti, (2004), Barton (1994), Gee (2005), Dionísio (2007) and Vóvio (2007). The results demonstrated the existence of conflict between new and previous practices in the discourse of the subjects studied and inter locutions observed, suggesting that changes in the teaching-learning process of reading in the EJA is not simple, because factors involving personal, social, methodological, organizational and Structural and conflicts revealed by the moment of transition which is going through. However, much remains to be done so that the readings taken in EJA contribute effectively to expand the literacy practices of young people and adults attending this institution.


leitura (educacao de adultos) alfabetizaçao de adultos educacao letramento educação de adultos

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