Leitura à primeira vista no violão : um estudo com alunos de graduação


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Sight-reading a piece on the guitar is often considered a difficult task. One reason for this may be the fact that the same note on the guitar may be played in different ways, thus generating various fingering possibilities for the same passage. The present study investigated the procedures adopted by 11 undergraduate guitar students in a sight-reading exercise. The subjects were filmed and interviewed and their background was taken from a written questionnaire. Distinct fingering possibilities for the same passage, knowledge of expressive possibilites of the guitar and mechanical dexterity were considered as influential variables in this study. Fingering and tonality proved to be the main difficulties. Expressive aspects were not considered the most important, considering the number of decisions to be made in the one minute allotted for silent reading before the sight-reading began. Thus, the best performances in terms of correct notes and tempo were not necessarily the most expressive. The best outcomes came from students who engage in choral or chamber music activities, therefore, these may have a positive influence on sight-reading. The mechanical ability exercise applied showed that the subjects that did better on the sight-reading passsage (considering tempo, correct notes and rhythm) surpassed those that had lower metronomical markings.


sight-reading violão : estudos leitura musical : alunos de graduacao guitar musical passage execução musical digitacao fingering possibilities

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