Lazer, trabalho e educação : pressupostos ontológicos dos estudos do lazer no Brasil.




The study it is placed enters the ones that investigate the relations and determination between work ? leisure - education, leaving of the analysis of the production of the scientific nowledge published in last three years. Search to argue evidentes nexuses and contradictions in the conceptions of society and historical project that subjazem the theoretical production on leisure in Brazil. It is part of the matrical research of the Line of Studies and Research in Physical Education, Sports and Leisure - LEPEL of the FACED/UFBA, that it approaches problematic significant of the formation of professors, production of knowledge, practical pedagogical and educational politics. It presents the following objectives: to raise in the production of the knowledge leisure, as the categories are boarded that establish nexuses and contradictions between leisure, work, education and formation of professors; to recognize what it comes being argued on formation of professors in Brazil, in the last decade, stops in the context of this quarrel, to locate the interests delimited who converge to not the confrontation of the workers to the new characteristics of the alienator productive process, pointing out the analyses on the formation of the leisure worker, from the formation of the professor of Physical Education; e still, to argue the ontológicos estimated ones, from the conception of society and historical project that come if configuring in the production of the knowledge leisure, produced in Brazil. The conclusion of the research if established in the explanation of that: a) it has evidences that in a society of classrooms, structuralized from the exploration of the human work, where the classrooms if collate, the leisure it assumes the characteristics of mentally ill leisure hegemonicamente; b) in the perspective of maintenance of the reificação of the conscience of the workers, the formation of professors of corrabora Physical Education with the process of alienation in the organization of the work and the leisure, what it can be identified in the current production of the knowledge of the area; c) estimated referring to the conception of society and the historical project they disrespect the characterization and the nexuses that contraditoriamente do not establish with radicalidade, the references on superador historical project to the capitalism, committing itself thus the teleologic perspective - coming to be - in the formation process human being. With this, a challenge for the production of the knowledge is indicated on leisure in the formation of professors, what it means on the basis of to make it the historical possibility for beyond the capital.


educacao trabalho e educação alienação no lazer leisure and education formação de professores work and education alienation in the leisure lazer e educação formation of professors

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