Lavoura arcaica: discursos em confronto




This work makes an aesthetic and social reflection of the work of art and its aspects by means of the study of the adaptation of the book Lavoura Arcaica for the cinema. Its main proposals are: to study the mechanisms of transposition of a language for another one, thinking about the hierarchies of artistic prestige that these possess, the symbolic and aesthetic values that if revert in social and marketing values e, still, until point valued literary texts critically for the tradition can transmit values to other ways and languages, as the cinema and the television, through its adaptations. One also argues which the limits to think about adaptations fiduciary offices to the text-source and as these attitudes can denote pretensions and validates on the part of the adapters.


adaptation cinema letras marketing values adaptação artistic prestige symbolic values literatura prestígio artístico cinema valores artísticos valores mercadológicos literature

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