LÃgica dos usos e apropriaÃÃes da internet por jovens dos setores populares / Logic uses and appropriations of the internet by young people of the popular sectors


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis aims to investigate whether and how the different places of collective Internet access allow different uses and appropriations of that environment by young surfers. This analysis takes place in Portugal Granja district, outskirts of Fortaleza where there are many collective centers for Internet access. For this research we chose Casa Brazil, inclusion program installed in the neighborhood since 2007, and from Internet cafes running opposite the main square. To take account of the central object were applied the following methodologies: participant observation, depth interviews and webgrafia. Based on these methods reveals that the "conditions of use" of the Internet in each place are evident in the ways of doing formal, technical and symbolic and are present in the uses of appropriation of space by young people. These appropriations show uses of space that connect the concepts of spot, block, and circuit paths. Regarding the uses of the internet I realized that the acting coach and normative act of each place are responsible for directing some hits. However, although there are specific, the hits also showed similarities fact that reiterates the notion that the nature of the space it interferes with access, but not determines them. Parallel to these uses will also find the appropriation of the Internet. Thus, even with some cloths in the two places we found ways to use the internet in each different place. Based on these appropriations are faced once again with normative act of interference and technical elements of an everyday family who were present during the entire process of network ownership by young people. These, at times, present-reproducing forms of these spaces and act in other show elements marked by tactics, resistance and negotiations.


antropologia urbana internet usos e apropriaÃÃes jovens dos setores populares internet usos e apropriaÃÃes jovens dos setores populares internet use and appropriation youth from the popular sectors usuÃrios da internet comunicaÃÃo e tecnologia

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