La estrategia educativa 2020 o las limitaciones del Banco Mundial para promover el "aprendizaje para todos"


Educação & Sociedade




The World Bank's 2020 Education Strategy establishes the new education priorities in developing countries for the next decade. Its title, Learning for All, clearly recognizes that, beyond policies focusing on access, something else must be done to ensure that schooling involves positive learning experiences. However, as this paper argues, the 2020 Strategy explicit and latent policy options might not be adequate to achieve Learning for All. This paper develops three arguments on that mater. The first one refers to the Bank's strong attachment to a disciplinary knowledge and a methodological approach that do not suffice to understand what children learn at school and why. The second one addresses its pro-market bias when it approaches the public sector reforms and the new forms of providing education. The last argument points out the main omissions of this Strategy, especially in what regards the complex relation between education and poverty.

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