Knowledge and attitude of patients suffering from type-2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension in a basic heathcare unit in Ribeirão Preto, SP. / Conhecimento e atitute de usuários com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e hipertensão arterial em uma unidade básica de saúde de Ribeirão Preto, SP




This is a transversal study carried out at a basic healthcare unit in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto, SP, in 2009.The objectives were to characterize patients visiting the unit and suffering from type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure according to socio-demographic, clinical and laboratory variables; to analyse knowledge and attitude scores and, finally, to relate both taking into account some variables. The sample consisted of 79 subjects suffering from type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure who met the set of selection criteria. In order to collect the necessary data two questionnaires were used : the Knowledge Questionnaire DNK-A and the Diabetes Attitudes Questionnaire, ATT-19.The age of the 79 subjects (100%) ranged from 30 to 80 (average 64,46+-11,15), most of them, however, between 60 and 80 years. Nearly all were literate (96,3%), most of them were married (63,3%) and females (63,3%). Estimates of clinical variables showed that 33 (41,8%) were overweight according to Body Mass Index (BMI) figures and 23 (29,1%) and 13 (16,5%) were classified into class-1 and class-2 obesity respectively. Values of systolic blood pressured ranged from 100 to 180mmHg (average 133,87±17,54mmHg) and those of diastolic pressure from 60 to 140mmHg (average 107,6±15,29). Most of the subjects developed both diseases in a period of time shorter than 10 years previous to the current study and in addition to presenting poor metabolic control, 51 of them (64,6%) obtained scores lower than 8 in relation to diabetes mellitus, showing unsatisfactory results about understanding and self-care of the condition. As for attitudes scores the results showed that 74 (93,7%) obtained scores lower or equal to 70, indicating low readness to learn about the condition. The gender-related results about knowledge showed that the number of correct answers (N-28) was higher on the part of females than males, 64,3% and 35,7 respectively. The age range between 60 and 69 represented 50% of the sample, 53,6% finished primary school,53,6% had a family income ranging from one to two minimum wage and 67,9% of the subjects developed both conditions in a period of time shorter than 10 years previous to the present study. Gender-related attitude scores showed that the index of correct answer (N-5) of subjects suffering both conditions was higher for females (80%) than for males (20%). As to age this index was 60% for patients between 60 and 69 years,60% for those not finishing primary school,60% for subjects having a family income between one and two minimum wage and,finally,80% for patients developing both conditions in a period of time shorter or equal to 10 years previous to the present study. The results point at the necessity of adopting a Diabetes-and-High-Pressure Program at the healthcare unit where the study was carried out.


enfermagem hypertension conhecimento atitude nursing attitude diabetes mellitus hipertensão knowledge diabetes mellitus

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