Julgamento de lances futebolÃsticos na perspectiva do Ãrbitro de futebol de campo / Judgement of soccer plays in the perspective of the referee




The present study aims to verify moral reasoning as it happens in the judgement of soccer plays in the perspective of the referee. In order to understand and explain the act of moral judgement, the theoretical constructs of Jean Piaget regarding the matter were adopted, including the concept of immanent justice, evolving to retributional justice and, finally, achieving its more refined stage, that is, distributive justice, which, when established, reflects the change from an heteronymous to an autonomous moral. On the other hand, there was also consideration of theory of Lawrence Kohlberg, who elaborated upon the initial studies from Piaget and predicted the existence of three levels of moral developments (pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional) which unfold into six stages that he considered to be universal. The sample was composed of 91 male subjects, average age of 34 years, being 61 referees belonging two soccer federations in the Brazilian Northeast, and 30 northeastern males soccer club supporters, with whom the refereeâs thinking was compared. In order to give access to the intended phenomenon, the participants analyzed, judged and responded in written form to eight distinct hypothetical situations, four of them being dilemmatic and remaining four being non-dilemmatic, them b, half of which occurring within a soccer context and half in other contexts. The results indicate that referees and supporters presented more similarities than actual differences between themselves as to the criteria used in judgment, disagreement with those decisions depicted in the situations that were unjust, and as to coherence between the moral judgment of the actions of others and of their own. In light of the studies by Kohlberg, in the situations regarding soccer plays there was a predominance of conventional moral reasoning, with the implementation of a stage four distributive justice. Under the perspective of Piaget, it was observed that autonomous moral reasoning was implied in the judgement of the plays with prevalence of the equalitarian distributive justice in non-dilemmatic soccer situations and of the equitative distributive in the dilemmatic soccer contexts. The study contributed to expand the existent knowledge regarding the Psychology of Moral Development of the adult, while attempting to instigate the theoretical debate about the topic in fields of Cognitive Psychology and Sports Psychology, in the hopes that the dissemination of this type of knowledge, within the scientific community or outside of it, might have some impacts on the professional practices of soccer referees regarding a greater a wareness of both soccer fans and the referees themselves as to the relevance of the work of the later


moral judgement julgamento moral raciocÃnio moral, justiÃa Ãrbitro de futebol soccer referee justice psicologia cognitiva moral reasoning

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