Jovens leitores de meios populares:: Histórias e trajetórias de leitura.




This study it deals with the reading disposals of young of well-succeeded considered popular ways. One searches, in it, to establish a dialogue with a theoretical perspective of the Sociology of the Education, specifically in the configuration of profiles, to understand the interfamilies dynamic, practical of primary socialization and the familiar investments mobilizatiors of the school success and the insertion of these young in practical effective of reading. The main procedure of inquiry was the interview and ethnographic annotations, anchored us contexts of insertion of the object, in the family and in the school. The analysis focused the school and family actions that oportunity the participation of youths in practices of reading, his relations with printed, the choices, the access and the way of read. They established itself in this I study: a nuclear organization of the families, with I number limited of sons, to the contrary one of the previous generation whose composition was of 6 to 13 sons; the existence of relatives near with graduation; the permanent accompaniment, especially by the mothers, of the school life of the sons even before of these Will enter the formal system of education; the presence of the book and to countains of childlike histories in the life of those youths since to tender age; the influence of the mothers, of the parents, of sister and grandmother in the development of the "taste" by the reading. It was able to be verified in this researches a significant universe of the practices of letrying of the youths studied and its singularities regarding what hear, see and write. Opposing the theories that aim the oversight of poor families in the accompaniment of the school life of his infants, the family mobilizations are detached, in this I study, as one of the capable factors of exceed some limits and barriers of the condicionating social, or impediments "natural" of access to cultural property by the popular means, like already aimed by the sociologist Bernard Lahire and others. It observed itself that the families seek, through the school, the incorporation of a cultural capital that looks him denied by the condition of pertenciment. At home, the work of "inculcation" is carried out mainly by the mothers upon will require of the good sons school performance, exemplary behavior, fulfillment of task as the "home" and permanent successfully. It observed itself have in the families researched the circulation of printed, the reading shared, arguments and debates about what read mainly in newspapers "popular", strategies these that put the "alive cultural capital" in conditions of to be incorporated by the subjects. The school for those families and effort ascent possibility: the success of the son is a sort of symbol of the personal success of the parents. However, despite of those arrangements and school and family strategies, is necessary still investigate the difficulties of access to determined learned practices or ways of insertion in a determined so much, written culture in the school how much in the families.


educação teses leitura

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