Jornalismo: comunicação, literatura e compromisso social




This study outlines lhe need of a journalist to apply and humanizing at his technics,. so far as printed, televise and radio journalism. In a world that proclaims lhe technicality, lhe journalism needs to show itself contextually, seeing that lhe society waits trem lhe journalist to be a propagation s instrument - and also a possible change - in association with lhe community he is inserted in. Although this present journalism has laces with lhe history, therefore mechanic, catastrophic. In lhe third millennium lhe journalist needs to show to his audience lhe reasons why purposeful fact has happened. What are lhe previous reasons and after, what are lhe unforeseeable. McLuhan brought forward that lhe world would reach a democratic generalized arder and lhe communications would be important instruments to this end. That s lhe objective of this work: to display that lhe journalist and lhe journalism are and need to be engaged in this improvement to subsidise more reflexions and b help on lhe society s decisions


técnica jornalística comunicacao jornalismo

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