Jogando as cinco pedrinhas História, memória, cultura popular, infância e escola / Jogando as cinco pedrinhas História, memória, cultura popular, infância e escola




This work starts from the understanding that modern days suffer from a depletion of the social devices enabling one to relate ones personal experience to that of past generations and focus on school as a privileged opportunity to counteract that, i.e. for collective memory practices. In this context my primary goal is to sense whether public schools, by means of work on popular traditions, may constitute spaces for strengthening the web that unites different generations and allows them to exchange experiences, relate, and commune. This research is built from narratives of stories that happened  or started  in school and are entangled with the childrens own life stories and those of their families. We adopt the action research model, with direct interventions in the school place and the creation of contact strategies between what is lived in the classroom and at home. I draw on Walter Benjamin for the concepts of modernity, childhood, and loss of experience; and on Michel de Certeau, Carlo Ginzburg, and Edmilson Pereira when reflecting on the nature of popular culture and its resistance role against hegemonic models in the ebb and flow of permanence and transformation. This process is made of circularity and hybridism, which makes popular traditions capable of conveying memories, of establishing links from the present to the ancestral


cultura popular memória memory escola educacao school popular culture

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