Italian imigration in Limeira-SP: land, politics and elementary school / Imigração italiana em Limeira-SP : terra, politica e instrução escolar




The present work is resulted of extensive documentary research and interviews with descendants of Italians who had immigrated to the time of the substitution of the enslaved work for the wage-earning and predominantly European man power, in Brazil, when of the imminence of the announcement of the Republic. The theoretical subsidies that base the development of this work understand a reflection dialectic of the events, focusing the men and its action in relationship with the context biggest where if they inserted. It is treated, therefore, of a historical analysis that relates the society, the politics and the education while forces that antagonistically are attracted, in confluence with the world-wide movement of the capital


school instruction ensino fundamental imigrantes italianos basic education italian immigrants educação education instrução escolar

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