Irrigation managemente in tomato crop under field conditions in Seropédica,RJ / Manejo de irrigação na cultura do tomateiro em campo, na região de Seropédica-RJ




An experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of the irrigation schedule on fruit production and quality, biomass production in the different parts of the plant, and the physiological growth parameters of the tomato plants, cultivar Débora for salad, cultivated in the field, in a split plot design, in the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, from 21/09/2005 to 31/01/2006. The experiment was conducted with four treatments and four replications of different irrigation schedules, using a drip irrigation system with sprinklers spaced 0,3m with a water volume of 1,14 l.h-1. During the essay, six samplings of the plants were collected, for evalua tion of the plant development, through the growth analysis of the different parts of the plant. Mathematical equations were adjusted for the mass accumulation in root, stems, leaves and fruits, and for leaf area of plants. The analysis of the results showed that the irrigation schedule of three days caused lowers values of the physiological parameters, a tendency of reduction of big fruits production and higher number of small fruits. In these experimental conditions, the irrigation schedule of two days is the best recommendation for the farmer because the quality of the tomato production is the same of those under more frequent irrigation but with a smaller water use.


turno de rega gotejamento. growth analysis análise de crescimento lycopersicon esculentum fitotecnia irrigation frequency located irrigation

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