Irreconhecível e sutil no espaço de vivência cotidiana: análise de situações e procedimentos performativos de uma prática artística




The present research aims to reflect on three moments of my artistic production, organized into three chapters. The first chapter, called Fake Truth, discusses a series of work developed individually; the second one, called The Artists, discusses the actions fulfilled together with the artist Adriana Barreto. Finally, the last chapter discusses the collaborative practices proposed by Contramão Space, they were developed together with the artists Adriana Barreto and Tamara Willerding. These three chapters will show the analysis of the situations that originated the artistic actions; the procedures carried out in order to answer these situations; the different relations among the artist, the spectator and the work of art; as well as the performative character that follows the actions


performativity performativo situation procedimento artes situação procedure

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