Iron availability in egg, carrot and cabbage and in them mixtures / Disponibilidade de ferro em ovo, cenoura e couve e em suas misturas




The anemia caused by iron deficiency, is the form more common of all the anemias and it affects large portion of the world population, especially the maternal-infantile group: infants, child-school, children, pregnant woman and nutrizes, carting delay in the development psicomotor and cognitive of smaller children two years old, besides decrease of the efficiency of the immune function, and worsening of infectious diseases. This research aims to estimate the iron availability in food iron sources and vitamin A, egg (e), carrot (c) and cabbage (cb), as well as to verify the interaction of the iron with α, ß-carotene and with other interferents, being mixed the foods in study, resulted 13 food mixtures in different proportions (1:1), (1:1.5), (1:2), (1:2.5) and (1:3) include three food alone. The food mixtures, after prepare and cooking, was submitted the analyses of centesimal composition, levels of iron, tannin, phytic acid, oxalic acid, α, ßcarotene and in vitro iron dialysability. The statistical analysis was determinate by SAS System include polynomial regression and correlation. The values for moisture varied from 83.93 to 95.74 g/100g, showing significant differences among the different mixtures, as well as for proteins (0.55 to 7.22 g/100g) and fat (0.21 to 5.94 g/100g). There was significant correlation with regard to moisture, fat, protein, ash and ß-carotene to in vitro iron dialysability, being positive correlation to moisture and ß-carotene, and negative to other components. The levels of tannins, phytate and oxalates ranged 0.78 to 1.40 mEqcatequina/g, 0.17 to 0.42mg/g and 0.06 to 0.30%, respectively. The mixture 2 (1e:1.5c) showed high levels of tannins (1.40mEqcatequina/g), and the mixtures 6 (1e:1cb) and 7 (1e:1.5cb) high levels of oxalates, and lower levels of in vitro dialysability iron, in relation to the other mixtures. The values for α- carotene to mixtures with carrot ranged 2,435.27 to 4,609.83 µg/100g. With regard to ß-carotene, ranged variations to 2,406.75 from 7,881.55 µg/100g, being observed higher levels for the mixtures with carrot. The numbers showed that the mixtures with larger carrot and cabbage proportion showed the bigger results for the in vitro dialysability iron, ranges to 0.99 from 7.43 %, and the sample 5 (1e:3cb) it presented the bigger value, proceeded by the mixtures 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 10. It’s concluded that the mixtures with larger carrot and cabbage proportion increased the iron availability, especially for the largest content of ß-carotene. There was not significant interference of antinutritional in the in vitro iron dialysability, although tannins and oxalates were an inhibitor when observed the numeric values in the mixtures with larger carrot and cabbage concentrations. The ß-carotene showed significant positive correlation with in vitro iron dialysability, increasing influence in the reduction of the antinutritional factors effect, especially phytates, in the iron availability, mainly in the mixtures with carrot. Therefore, the use of food mixtures as egg and carrot can be recommended, and this last one should be in larger proportions in meals destined to lacking populations in iron.


egg ferro – composição de alimentos carrot couve ovo beta-caroteno cabbage cenoura beta-carotene iron-food composition

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