Involvement of boards of directors in the strategy of the organizations / Envolvimento dos conselhos de administração na estratégia das organizações




This thesis aims to examine the involvement of the boards of directors in strategy management, relating the board profile and the level of internationalization of the company with the level of involvement. A quantitative survey was made, with 38 directors of companies listed at BMF&Bovespa. Also, those companies were classified in the differentiated levels of corporate governance. Among the total 150 companies listed on different levels, the sample of the study was therefore 25.3%. Results showed that, for companies listed in the differentiated levels of governance, their board of directors was highly involved in the strategic management. First hypothesis was then confirmed, showing that boards are more involved in strategic tasks than in others. They also are more involved in the formulation and definition of mission, vision and values, comparing to the other stages of strategic management, implementation and control. Boards of directors of these companies also were highly involved with the decisions of global competitiveness, even in those companies that are not on the highest degree of internationalization. It was found that boards tend to be more involved in global competitiveness decisions which have greater financial impact. Other decisions, in turn important, notes showed relatively low as the aspects of marketing and research and development, which helps to have a clearer idea of the type of involvement. Other important decisions, such as market aspects and research &development, received low grades and therefore, boards do not get involved in these decisions. The findings also suggested a possible relationship between the profile of the board and their level of involvement in strategies, so that boards with the highest number of external members, and which tend to centralize more, are also those who had higher levels of involvement in strategies.


internationalization of enterprises organizational strategy conselho de administração internacionaciolização de empresas management board estratégia organizacional corporate governance governança corporativa

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