Intimi(ci)dades femininas em Piraju-SP nos anos dourados: (1950-1964)




Female Intimaci(ti)es in Piraju SP in the Golden Years. This dissertation presents issues related do the female universe in a town of the state of São Paulo in the time span 1950-1964, that is, the Golden Years. In a dialogue with womens history, we have analysed the female daily life of Pirajus elite, through the trajectory of the housekeeping economy instructor and poetess Maria Conceição Pereira Martini, object of this research. The discourses of modernization of the town and subjects, of the control of female bodies and souls are analysed in her poems, in the books and notebooks on housekeeping economy and in the newspaper we have researched


mulheres -- piraju, sp -- condicoes sociais modernity poesias piraju, sp -- historia mulheres -- educacao -- piraju, sp women historia mulheres martini, maria conceicao pereira -- 1914- modernidade poetry educação education

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