Interpretação conforme a constituição




The purpose of the present study is the analysis of the interpretation in accordance with the Constitution, which is both a hermeneutic tool and a technique for the control of constitutionality. First, the nature of such interpretation is reviewed according to the various senses adopted by the doctrine and jurisprudence: as a constitutional principle; as a method or rule for legal interpretation; as a modern form of constitutional interpretation; as a method or technique for the control of constitutionality. Then, such interpretation is approached as a form to close the gaps and optimize the Constitution. After such review, the origin and the historic evolution of the interpretation in accordance with the Constitution are studied. Next, the instrument is discussed as a method to control constitutionality, taking into account the different issues related to this approach: the pertinence of such interpretation for the diffuse and concentrated methods of constitutionality; the difference between such method and partial unconstitutionality without textual reduction; the applicability or not of plenary reservation in the decisions awarded by the Court; the extent of the binding effect of such interpretation as issued by the Supreme Federal Court. There is further the study of the various fundamentals indicated by the Brazilian and foreign doctrine and jurisprudence to justify the use of interpretation in accordance with the Constitution. Finally, the limits of such interpretation and the issue of the so-called interpretation of the Constitution in accordance with the law are examined


control of constitutionality controle de constitucionalidade direito constitutional interpretation interpretação constitucional brasil -- direito constitucional -- interpretacao e construcao

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