Integrando e capacitando a juventude rural no Brasil : estudo do caso dos jovens do Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores no Espírito Santo (MPA-ES) / Integrating and empowering the rural youth in Brazil : case study of young MSF-ES - Movement of Small Farmers in the in the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The MPA - Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MSF - Movement of the Small Farmers) is an "independent mass movement, organized and headed for the small agriculturists". The actions that had promoted the real sprouting of the Movement had happened at the end of the year of 1995 and beginning of 1996, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Nowadays, in Brazil, the Movement takes place in 19 states. Since its origins, the MPA has a clear dynamic and proposal on agriculture transformation, articulating and leading its fight from its organization and its leadership´s pictures. Its project politician has as objective to modify the situation of the base for a conscience taking of its contradictions. The objective of this study is to observe and to analyze the way peasantry is being reproduced in the State of the Espírito Santo (E.S.), as well as, how is being developed the politics conscience of the youth in the MPA-ES. We are based on the scholars on peasantry, education and agricultural youth and about Salvador Sandoval´s theory (1989, 1994, 2001), for the study of the politics conscience. The study was elaborated taking into consideration ethnography method and oral history. We carry on, also, with questionnaires and interviews of youth and leaders who participate of the Movement. As final considerations we understand that the MPA, since its sprouting until the present time, through its organization form of base, politics mobilization, formation of militant pictures, constitutes in an social transformation agent. The category peasantry, while an active politician actor, has being reproduced based on its basic principles; peasant identity has being constructed in the speeches and, mainly, the in the actions. Based in this vision of world, the youth and leaders of the MPA-ES have build up a basic paper over the perpetuation of the peasantry allowing, in this Movement, the construction of a new politician citizen inside an ampler category of the peasantry, which is the youth peasant.


educação popular movimentos sociais agricultores juventude camponeses consciência política popular education social movements farmers youth peasants political consciousness

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