Integração Mercosul - União Européia: aspectos da negociação comercial - uma análise a partir da fonte de imprensa brasileira, 1999-2004




This study aims at analyzing the commercial aspect of European Union-Mercosur negotiation process developed between these two economic blocks in order to reach an integration agreement. The main source used in the research was the most important Brazilian newspapers, released during the period of 1999-2004. In order to carry out the proposed investigation, this dissertation used the data treatment presented by the Content Analysis. Theories from the International Negotiation field guided the adoption of the methodology mentioned. These analytical models helped to clarify some important concepts for the comprehensive understanding of the negotiation process, thereby facilitating the study of the newspaper content. It should be mentioned that some concepts of Regional Integration was also used as a support for this research. In the light of Content Analysis, it was possible to systematically read the newspapers as well as to quantitatively analyze the existing content in the communication vehicles. To reach a critical comprehension of the economic aspects of EU-Mercosur integration process, this research used the historical synthesis in order to carry out replication and inference of the information and data identified in the newspaper. The results reached during the investigation permitted not only the observation of the way the press treated the commercial negotiation process for the integration agreement, but also the identification of the image of the proposed integration reflected by the newspapers analyzed.


fonte de imprensa brasileira comércio internacional comércio relacoes i?internacionais, bilaterais e multilaterais mercosul blocos econômicos união europeia integração inter-regional processo de negociação integração econômica internacional

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