Inglês como segunda língua para adolescentes: o jogo para minimizar os efeitos do Peer Pressure




The worlds demand for the English language also presents Brazilian schools with the need to prepare its students to communicate with the world. With that comes the need for different ways to present the content, always seeking the best for the student. This work aims to be a contribution to the study of teaching English as a second language to the teenage public initially looking at issues that may hinder their learning experience, by highlighting the peer pressure, examining its effects in the classroom and presenting possible solutions to the problem. Games appear as a possible solution due to its playful character and ability to motivate and present the content differently. But the game or any other material used in the classroom, even the black board, if there is no contemplation by the teacher, about the connection of that material with content they want to pass, presents no benefit to the teaching and learning of a student. Thus, the game is an activity that despite having a time and a limited space, they can go beyond that with its concepts. The goal of this dissertation is to construct a game applying some of the concepts of how to minimize the effects of peer pressure. This game was designed to be used in a classroom of English as a second language with teenagers and to contribute to the learning of these students.


jogo games inglês como segunda língua peer pressure peer pressure english as a second language linguas estrangeiras modernas

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