Informação e inclusão: uma análise das políticas de inclusão digital da Prefeitura de João Pessoa


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The project presents an overview of public information policies in the public administration of the city of João Pessoa, which seek to digitally include the citizens and therefore socially. In this sense it is introduced the question of exclusion / inclusion in Brazil. We comment on the discussions of the information society, public policy information in Brazil. We seck for the opinion of the proponents of existing programs in the Municipality of João Pessoa/PB volated to the importance of digital inclusion. This study will be conducted through a qualitative and exploratory with approachs interviews and content analysis. We believe that for the citizens to be included in the information society, they must have access to the use of ICTs.


políticas públicas políticas de informação inclusão digital ciência da informação sociedade da inofrmação ciencia da informacao public policy information digital inclusion social information science

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