Influencia da secagem em camada estacionaria delgada do milho (Zea mays) na qualidade do grão e viscosidade do amido extraido




Grain quality according to end use is a fundamental aspect. The objective of this work was the evaluation of com quality for wet milling, after drying in a fixed layer at different temperatures and initial moisture contents, through evaluation of non denaturated protein (turbidity test), stress cracking, degree of stress cracking (colorimetric test) and viscoamilographic properties of starch. Treatments were: 3 temperature levels, measured in the interior of the grain (60, 70 and 80°C), 1 air flow (2Im3/min.m2), 1 thickness of layer and 3 initial moisture contents (25,4, 22,5 and 18,0%). lnitial moisture contents of 22,5 and 18,0% were obtained by sun drying, starting ITom 25,4%. Resuts indicated that, from the point of view of protein denaturation, the worse treatment was 25,4% initialmoisture content, submited to drying at 80°C (25,4%/80°C), best results being obtained at 18%/60°C and 18%/70°C. Treatments did not differ significantlyas far as stress cracking was concemed. The method developed of a box with cold light covered by glass, allowed a good observation of fissures. In the quantification of the degree of stress through the colorimetric test the only significative difference observed was between the treatments 25,4%/60°C and 2S,4%/80°C. Viscoamilografic properties of com starch did not differ significantly among different treatments. The intIuence of different drying temperature was better detected by the test of denaturated proteins


milho - viscosidade milho - secagem milho - qualidade

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