Prepared homoeopathic in corn seeds (Zea mays) / Preparados homeopáticos em sementes de milho (Zea mays)




Plants are responsive to homeopathy under stress situations since homeopathy do equilibrate the organic system and stimulate vital force toward homeostase. The effect of homoeopathic medicine was evaluated in corn seeds stressed by the test of accelerated aging after intoxication with potassium chloride. The first trial evaluated the effect of the homoeopathic medicines Kali carbonicum 8CH; Antimonium crudum 8CH; Arsenicum album 8CH; Natrum muriaticum 8CH in the germination of soaked corn seeds and in the growth of the plants originating from the treated seeds submitted to accelerated aging. The similarity among the homoeopathic medicines was measured. The treatment of Arsenicum album 8CH caused greater percent of germination, greater aerial growth and radicular growth. Similarity with treatments was low. The second trial evaluated the effect of homeopathic medicines in seeds and corn plants intoxicated soaked by potassium chloride. The intoxicated corn seeds were and soon soon afterwards treated with homeopathic medicines (disintoxicated). There was similarity among the treatments. Natrum muriaticum 9CH activated the germination of the intoxicated corn seeds; Phosphorus 7CH and Chloride of potassium 9CH increased the growth of the plants. Natrum muriaticum 9CH increased the length of the primary root. The homoeopathic medicines were grouped according to the similarity of performance. In the third trial, it was evauated the effect of the homoeopathic medicines was evaluated Sulphur and Natrum muriaticum in germination of corn seeds soaked and stressed with potassium chloride, as well as, in the growth of the primary root and plants. Similarity among the homoeopathic treatments was quantified. The corn seeds were soaked and intoxicated, later they were treated with the homoeopathic medicines Sulphur and Natrum muriaticum dynamizations 4CH, 5CH, 6CH and 7CH. Sulphur was more effective in the disintoxication of the plants, equilibrating them, while, Natrum muriaticum increased the stress. The largest similarity among treatments was observed with dynamizations of the same homeopathic medicine.


milho fitotecnia corn disintoxication homeopatia desintoxicação homeopathic

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