Influência da largura do manguito na aferição da pressão arterial, em mulheres com peso normal e obesas na transição menopausal e pósmenopausa / Influence of sphygmomanometer cuff size on blood pressure measu-rement of normal and obese perimenopausal or menopausal women


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Objective: The aim of this study was the measurement of the arterial blood pressure of perimenopausal or menopausal women compared to the body mass index (BMI). We studied two groups of women: normal weight 18-25 Kg/m2 and obese having . 30 Kg/m2 of BMI. Methods: We analyzed 203 women of the Climacteric outpatient clinic. The interviewer obtained the clinical data and measured the arterial pressure using the sphygmomanometer (Missouri, wall model). The measure the blood pressure was realized through the use of sphygmomanometer with different cuff width being specific for the each women biotype and following the Who-Working Group on the use and interpretation of anthropometric indicator of nutrition status. We used the cuff width with 22 x 15cm for normal weight and 70X15cm for obese women. Results: The women presented as media valor: Age = 54.6; height = 1.50 m, weight = 72.3 Kg. The normal weight women had media diastolic blood pressure of 122.9 and the obese group had 144.4 mmHg. The systolic pressure of the normal weight group and obese was respectively 84.6 and 90.4 mmHg. Conclusion: There were no differences on the normal weight group in relation to the blood pressure results. There was a decrease of the blood pressure results on the obese group when we used the sphygmomanometer with adequate cuff in comparison to blood pressure obtained with sphygmomanometer for normal weight.


largura do manguito transição menopausal pressão arterial pós-menopausa ginecologia e obstetricia

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