Influência da interação entre os parâmetros reológicos de argamassas e a área potencial de contato de substratos na aderência de argamassas de revestimento / Interaction between mortar rheological parameters and surface potential contact area on mortar renderings bond strength


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




and the shear bond strength of mortar rendering applied to concrete surfaces, this work intended to verify the influence of the interaction between surface potential contact area and mortar renderings¿ rheology on these performance properties. Moreover, this work has the objective to verify the influence of the mortar¿s rheology affected by the air-entraining agents in bond strength and the concrete surface roughness control in this property. In this study, three different pre-defined surface roughnesses were stamped with rubber plates (25x35x5cm) in a concrete mold then concrete prisms were molded. The surface concrete has a fix compressive strength of 35MPa. Three mortars with the 1:1:4 (cement: hydrated lime:sand, in volume, dry material) mix proportion, changing the air-entraining proportion to modify the rheology behavior were placed on these concrete surfaces, using a drop box for mortars. Tests of tensile bond strength (Ra), according to the requirements of Brazilian Standard - NBR 13528 (2010) and shear bond strength (Rc) had been carried out with these samples. Additionally characterization tests in fresh and hardened mortars had been done. The surfaces roughnesses were characterized by a 3D laser scanner and by technologic tests control. The results indicated that the increasing of the surface contact area is not an indicative that the bond strength will also increase. The mortar¿s rheology has a very important influence in these factors, and it is essential the compatibility of the system to rise the contact area and consequently the bond strength.


argamassa de revestimento bond strength mortar rendering reologia rheology resistência ao cisalhamento : ensaios concrete surface roughness shear strength

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