Influence of foramen diameter and endodontic instrument size on odontometry reading by two electronic apex locators / Influência do diâmetro do forame apical e do calibre do instrumento endodôntico nas leituras odontométricas proporcionadas por dois aparelhos localizadores apicais




This study evaluated the influence of foramen diameter and endodontic instrument size on the odontometry reading of two electronic apical measuring devices. Forty mandibular incisors were used, which were divided into four groups according to the apical foramen diameter (100, 200, 300 and 400µm). After coronal opening of these teeth and access to the root canals, the root canal length was measured with aid of a clinical microscope with 7.8x magnification, from the incisal edge until the file tip reached the apical foramen. Ten teeth with 100-µm diameter were placed in individual jars containing 1% agar solution in phosphate-buffered saline, maintaining around 2/3 of their roots immersed in the solution to allow measurement with Root ZX (J. Morita, Japan) and NovApex (Forum, Israel). Teeth were measured with files n. 10 until the distance of 0.5mm from the apex was indicated by the device. Another measurement was performed on the other thirty teeth with files n. 10 and files with diameters corresponding to the foramen diameters (200µm, 300µm and 400µm). Statistical analysis was performed by two-way analysis of variance for overall comparison between the devices and employment of file n. 10 in all teeth, and Tukey test for individual comparisons. The results demonstrated statistical difference in the precision of both devices, with a more accurate result for Root ZX (p<0.05). Teeth with narrower foramina presented a more accurate measurement with the apical measuring device, and teeth with wider foramina presented larger discrepancy in the measurement. Utilization of K file n. 10 in teeth with wider foramina showed more accurate measurements compared to files with size corresponding to the foramen diameters with the Root ZX® device. With the NovApex® device, this correlation was only observed with file n. 40.


raiz dentária apical foramen root zx instrumentos endodônticos electronic apex locators odontometria novapex

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