Indicadores de tendencia secular de variaveis associadas ao crescimento, a composição corporal e ao desempenho motor de crianças de 7 a 14 anos




The objective of this study was to analyze the indicators of secular trends in variables associated to growth, body composition and motor performance in children 7 to 14 years of age from a private school in the municipal district of Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. 780 school kids during 1990 and 853 in 2000 were the subject sample of the research. The information associated to growth was determined by height and body mass measurements. Regarding body composition, measurements of thickness of both triceps and subscapular skinfolds were used. Motor performance was determined by "sit-and-reach", sit-ups, pull-up tests, and standing long jump tests. With the information obtained, it was possible to establish relationships with regard to the indicators of secular trends as per all the studied variables, where it was then observed that the 1990 data were inferior to those presented in 2000 considering the anthropometrical variables; however, this tendency had inverse characteristics in the motor performance aspect of the research. With regard to the fulfillment of criteria related to the health of the subjects in both moments ofthe study (1990 and 2000), it was possible to evidence that the majority of the evaluated subjects presented values below the criteria established in the scientific literature


evolução humana crescimento humano antropometria estimativas

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