Indicadores de eficiência e economias de escala na produção de leite: um estudo de caso para produtores dos estados Rondônia, Tocantins e Rio de Janeiro / Efficiency indicators and economies of scale in the milk production: a case study of producers in the states of Rondônia, Tocantins and Rio de Janeiro




This study aimed to analize the business maintenance issue faced by milk producers, in the long term. It was analized farms in the states of Rondônia, Tocantins and Rio de Janeiro. What can be noticed is a group that has maintained itself for years with little production, whereas it is able to increase it. The restrictions that prevent the group from specializing, are linked to a series of imperfections inherent to the market, which end up turning producers, especially the small ones, into victms of this system. The main goal of this study was to verify the existence of economies of scale among milk producers in the states of Rondônia, Tocantins and Rio de Janeiro. In order to do so, it was estimated five cost functions at different levels of restrictions. The function that presented better adequacy to the data was that of cost translog. The production factors taken into consideration were: capital, land, work and direct expenses. The economic analysis shows the difficulties to survive faced by farmers in the long term. This happens because the relation immobilized capital/production is very high. This capital is also found in investments which indicate low technological level, as an example, in the land factor and in animals with low milk production. The investment in machinery and equipment was low in the three states studied, without reaching 5% of the whole immobilized capital. As for the compositon of livestocks in the states, it is noticed, especially among small producers, the presence of many animals in the categories of heifers, calves, males for breeding and fattening. The workforce used in most farms was of family origin. Only in the state of Rio de Janeiro it was noticed a higher number of hired workforce. As for the return rate of the activity, none of the three states presented rates higher than 6%, even when the value of the land was excluded from the figure. It is pointed out that the state of Rio de Janeiro showed higher return rates. It is observed a direct relation between the productivity levels of and the return rates. The regression results reveal that the vast majority of producers in this case study operate in economies of scale, being that only 3.4% of them do not. The point of minimum average cost was obtained at about 178 thousand liters per year, that is, an average of 487 liters per day. Another group formed by 10% of the case study is closer to the point of minimum average cost and presents a daily production between 183 and 487 liters. And finally, the last group which presents itself in a less favorable situation with a production lower than 180 liters per day. It is highlighted that these producers can significantly reduce their costs if they increase their production, once they are found in the most accentuated part of the average cost cuve in the long term and can greatly develop in the activity by using the economies of scale.


agribusiness economies of scale economia de escala milk leite alocação de recursos resources allocation agronegócio

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