Indicadores de desempenho para o beneficiamento de madeira serrada em empresas de pequeno porte: um estudo de caso. / Performance indicators for sawed wooden improvement in small enterprises: a case study.




Factors like the lack of technology, the hiring of a not very well quantified labor, a poor productive structure, an increasing necessity of adjustment to constant changes in the market and to new rules established by global economy, encourage the need for the use of techniques that supply information to be used as the base for the management of small and medium enterprises. These information are fundamental in the process of making decision. This way the performance indicators come up as an opportunity of improvement that drives the organization to words a technological development to the self – management in operational levels (the basic ground in production), tactical (supervisors) and strategical (directors, managers). This study aimed to develop performance indicators for sowed wood improvement in a small enterprise. Therefore, the development of performance indicators was firstly realized planning of with the fluxograms planning of the process that are executed by the enterprise (macro processes) and of the productive process, which is of this study the main points of this study. From the fluxograms, critical points of the productive process were identified by using the “not structured brainstorming” technique the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) technique, was applied in each critical point in order to valuate their impact in the productive process. A case study was planned for each point by using the Ishikawa Diagram. The performance indicators were developed based on the case study and it works on the critical points of productive process. These indicators help the enterprise during the process of taking decisions based on facts and data in the routine management, show the changes in the process, point out the needs on which the crew must be trained, allow the reduction of number of failures and develop opportunities.


small enterprises madeira serrada wood industry productivity performance indicadores de produtividade microempresa sawed wooden indústria madeireira

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