Incidence and severity of the separation anxiety before and after treatment cognitive-behavior therapy in patients with panic disorder / Incidencia e gravidade da ansiedade de separação antes e apos o tratamento cognitivo-comportamental em pacientes com transtorno de panico




This study was developed at the Núcleo de Atendimento dos Transtornos de Ansiedade – NATA- within the ambulatory of Psychiatric ward of the Hospital das Clinics Unicamp, with adult outcome patients clinically diagnosed, according to the DSM-IV criteria, with Panic Disorder. The aim of the study was to investigate the presence of Separation Anxiety Symptoms among these patients and the effect of Cognitive-behavior Therapy on these symptoms. The patients were submitted to twelve directed and structured sessions of therapy based on the book of by Bernard Rangé “Vencendo o Pânico – Manual de Tratamento para Pânico”, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The process of the treatment happened treatment was applied in three phases: 1. Pre –Treatment, which corresponds to the evaluation of the problem, information on the research and the application of the following instruments: Sheehan Anxiety Scale, Beck Depression Inventory and Mood Anxiety Spectrum Project – SCIPAS; 2. Corresponds the treatment itself; 3. Reapplication of the instruments mentioned on phase one, in order to compare the outcomes of the treatment. The results of the study showed that the symptoms of Separation Anxiety minimized and disappeared in most of the participants after the treatment.


disturbios do panico terapia cognitiva cognitive therapy behavior therapy separation ansiedade de separação em crianças terapia do comportamento anxiety panic disorders

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