Impressions in black and white : reading history in Mato Grosso of the second part of the XIX century / Impressões em preto e branco : historia da leitura em Mato Grosso na segunda metde do seculo XIX




The Mato Grosso, since 1870, has started a cycle of big changes in politics, economics, social and cultural areas, especially due to the opening of navigation through the Paraguay River, with direct connection with the Plate Republics and the coast of Brazil. The aim of this study is to find the register of these cultural modifications, especially about the reading universe, which has happened around 1870. It has been checked, based on “mato –grossenses” newspapers from that period of time, news about the existence of cultural associations connected to the theater and to literature/reading, as well as information about commercialization of books, at bookstores, and the action of Brazilian and foreigner publisher houses from Rio de Janeiro in Mato Grosso. Several texts about literary theory and criticism, especially Taunay’s two books, Inocência and Histórias brasileiras, have been found. The analysis of this material resulted in the presentation of part of reading history in Mato Grosso, of the second part of the XIX century.


reading literatura brasileira - historia e critica leitura - historia brazilian literature

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