Implicações do lúdico na educação escolar: uma análise da Revista Nova Escola (1996-2004)




The question that guided this research turns on the implications of the playful one in the pertaining to school education. The specific objectives had been: to inquire what if it wants to affect objective in the formation of the pupil when if makes based proposals of education in playful actions and to describe of that it forms these actions they are proposals. It was treated to inquire if the objectives that guide practical the pedagogical ones of playful quality tend to the formation or the pseudoformation of the pupils. It was opted to carrying through this study having as source of material for the collection of quantitative and qualitative data the magazine NOVA ESCOLA. It arrives in port it theoretical was on some workmanships of the authors of the first generation of the School of Frankfurt, over all, workmanships of Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse and Walter Benjamin. It was broken of the estimated one of that the magazine considers practical pedagogical playful that they tend to the pseudoformation, but to the end, it evidenced that, for moreover, the magazine also if guideline in arguments that express resistance to the regressive conditions of the managed society and that, in fact, have for first objective the formation of the citizen


atividades criativas na sala de aula práticas pedagógicas lúdico critical theory educacao playful practical pedagogical nova escola (revista) brincadeiras

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