Implementação de um sistema unificado para gerenciamento de rejeitos / Implementation of a unified system to waste management




The process of generation and disposal of wastes has been responsible for many economical, ecological and public health problems, although the importance of its safe management for the protection of human health and the environment has long been recognized. In order to manage the hazardous wastes in an environmentally-friendly manner, many technical and administrative procedures should be implemented, from prevention and control of waste generation to a final disposal. The nuclear area personnel have a long and successful experience in all administrative and operational activities involved in the handling, treatment, conditioning, transport, storage and disposal of radioactive waste. Thus, this knowledge can be considered in the development of a unified methodology for managing all kinds of hazardous waste. The main purpose of the present work is to develop and implement a methodology, primarily to institutions that generate small amounts of waste of different compositions, on the predisposal activities management. This methodology was developed to provide a facilitator tool that should be applied by expert users. To simplify and automatize its application, a software, named SUGERE - a unified system for waste management, was developed in a Windows? environment using a Borland Delphi? package. The nuclear industry was used as a reference for developing this work and many examples of this area standards and procedures are implemented


licensing software residuos radioactive waste residuos - planejamento waste management program waste management methodology metodologia residuos radioativos substancias perigosas - transportes residuos perigosos hazardous waste software transportation of hazardous residues

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