Implantando a tecnologia ATM em redes locais




The technological advances and the offer of new services, like voice and interactive video and graphic data transmission, have generated a need of changes in traditional local area networks. The topology that involves shared media is quite efficient for data transmission applications, which require low error probabilities but are very tolerant to delays, supporting retransmissions and congestions. The multimedia applications in local area networks, however, have strong delay constraints, need large bandwidth and require transmission at high rates, making the multiple access topology inadequate and creating a need for another technology. This technology is ATM (Asyncronous Transfer Mode). As ATM is new in the local area networks environment, its implantation and management are more complex and require higher financial investiments, leading to the need of careful planning. This work is inserted in this context, presenting the basic characteristics of ATM, its aplicability in local area networks, and a software designed for suporting ATM-based LANs


redes locais de computação delphi (linguagem de programação de computador)

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