Impactos da restrição ao crédito rural nos estabelecimentos agropecuários brasileiros / The impact of rural credit restriction to brazilian farmers


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The rural credit was implemented in the late 1960s and thenceforth it became one of the major agricultural policies in Brazil. From its inception, the program relied on government subsidies obtained through interest rates, offsetting in part the resources shift from the agricultural sector promoted by the import substitution process. The credit policy direction in practice benefited only the farms, which had a large land concentration, causing much of the credit resources were directed to them. The concentration generated by this credit policy direction has meant that most small and medium farmers had no access to the credit, generating a credit restriction process in Brazil. In the mid 1990s, aiming to reduce the credit distribution inequality, some policies were taken directed to small farmers. Among these policies, the National Program to Strengthen Family Agriculture (Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar – PRONAF) was the best known, which facilitated the access to credit for a significant proportion of small farmers. Since the credit volume has increased throughout the 2000s accompanied by increased resources and number of the PRONAF participants over the years, we ask: “will the rural credit program be increasing the productivity and incomes of the participating establishments?” An evaluating alternative about the importance of funding to the rural settlements is to verify whether the credit restriction reduces these establishments’ productivity and income. The hypothesis is that the credit policy tends to increase the farms productivity. This work’s main objective is to check the credit restriction impact on Brazil and on large regions and if the government intervention via PRONAF was effective in 2006. For this, three scenarios were developed. In the first scenario, we analyze the producers who obtained or not the rural credit; in a second time, only the PRONAF policy is analyzed, comparing it with other establishments that have received another credit type; and in the third moment, only the establishments that qualify as family farmers were analyzed. The restriction credit models showed that the production value and the inputs costs increase the obtaining credit likelihood. The experience (age) and the leaders who are many years ahead of the establishment reduce the likelihood of having rural credit in Brazil and in many regions, but only when applied to the family farming the experience increases the likelihood of receiving credit from PRONAF. Evaluating the credit restriction for all credit types, it is observed that only in the Northeast region the land productivity werehigher for establishments benefited by the credit policy. In other areas, it is noted that it was not favorable to the policy recipients or it had no effect. The labour productivity was also higher for establishments that have had the credit restriction, whose result was repeated for the PRONAF restriction model. The best performance may be associated with the observed crisis in the agricultural and livestock sector between 2004 and 2006, which increased the farm inputs price and reduced the farmers price and income in these years, resulting in less manpower recruitment to maintain the production.


crédito rural propensity score matching viés de seleção amostral metodos e modelos matematicos, econometricos e estatisticos rural credit propensity score matching sample selection bias

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