Impacto da colaboração na gestão estratégica da informação em empresas do setor de bens de capital-mecânicos




The supply chain management has been marked by many conflicts between internal and external agents of the productive chain. Notwithstanding, a new administrative practice based on collaboration and intensive exchange of information has emerged as a new form of relationship amongst the distinct agents. Based on that, this study aims to understand the existing relationship between the internal and the external firms collaboration, and the systematic flow of information required by the supply chain management. To accomplish this, a two stages multi-method research was conducted. The first stage, exploratory in nature, had the objective to know in details the nuances of collaboration practice amongst the related agents. Five executives from capital goods industry and others related were surveyed by means of in depth interviews, and the collected data was be interpreted by content analysis. Additionally, a survey was conduct with 49 respondents regarding theirs opinions bout the importance of specific attributes of collaboration The second stage, descriptive in nature, had the intent to establish the relationship between collaboration and in use information systems at the companies, as well their impacts on the firms productive and logistics performance. Similar to the first stage procedures, other 43 respondents from capital goods and related sectors were surveyed by means of a structured form. The data obtained was subjected to descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The results pointed to some meaningful relations between collaboration attitudes, information systems management, and logistic performance. A varied set of aspects of collaboration inter and intra firm were also evidenced, with an interesting preeminence for the compromise attribute in despise of the confidence. The difficulties to obtain a meaningful sample had an impact on a broader generalization of results, which implicates that a relationship between the factors exists, but they do not diminish the contributions for the fields research, considered the limitations and the scarcity of broader generalizations research in Brazil. Suggestions for additional research recommended a new tryout of validation of the model sketched, with more controlled samples. The needs for the inclusion of governance and power in future studies were also mentioned, and a recommendation for a specific study exploring the Compromise attribute of collaboration in Brazilian companies were also included.


logistic performance productive performance strategic information management desempenho logístico atributos de colaboração administracao de empresas supply chain management desempenho produtivo gestão da cadeia de suprimentos collaboration gestão estratégica da informação

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