Análise investigativa do alinhamento estratégico em empresas do setor de bens de capital-mecânicos




There is a recognition by operations and supply chain professionals including academics that the integration of the participants of a chain provides service improvement and costs reduction to the customer when the goals of each participant converge to each other. However, many matters related to strategic formulation of the business, capacities logistics and decisions under which competitive priority to choose, are not very well answered and treated by the managers of those companies for an appropriated alignment and adequate characterization, based in a strategies winners set for the supply chain. The research had as goal analyze, in a supplies chain context, if the companies of better strategic alignment present better performance in the operational activities and of logistics. It accomplished a research constituted of two stages. The first, of exploratory nature, it used of a sample of 85 companies characterized by customer, company and vendor, where we tried to evidence the main competitive priorities of this chain. With base in these results, it had beginning the second stage, whose data were treated by means of descriptive statistics and inferential. A sample of 98 companies was used. They evidenced the main competitive priorities elects by the chain: Equipment / product price (translated into of the company as Cost); Performance of the Equipment / Product; Delivery Date reliability; Delivery Date speed. The second research stage, eminently descriptive, consisted in the unfolding of the competitive priorities found in the first stage, associating them with variables related to Strategies (Corporative, of Business and of Manufacture), Logistics Capabilities, and of Productive Performance of the company. It objectified through the association, answer the research problem, In a supplies chain context, do the companies of better strategic alignment present better performance in the operational activities and of logistics? It used two technical distinct, descriptive statistics and inferential, and this last had as goal the analysis of the groups. Three non parametric tests were used: Mann-Whitney, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Qui-square were considered in the differences confirmation among groups. It concluded by the tests the differences existence of productive performance (Better performance) among companies whose variables of Strategies and of Logistics Capabilities are aligned partial with external environment. Like future studies, it suggests enlarges him for other economy sectors, using as support measurement model built in this study, as well as the hypothesis invigoration that companies aligned strategically own superior productive performance.


gestão da cadeia de suprimentos strategy alignment bens de capitalmecânicos administracao de empresas alinhamento estratégico competitive priorities supply chain management prioridades competitivas

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