ImobilizaÃÃo de invertase em cinzas de carvÃo sinterizadas para hidrolise de sacarose: propriedades e aplicaÃÃo em biorreatores




Ceramic sinterized proceeding from coal fly ashes was used as a support for immobilization of invertase. The attainment of an insoluble support with chemical physical properties to bind invertase into sinterized coal fly ashes is an alternative to decrease environmental pollution with the storage and dissemination through thermal power plants. Of point view, it will be development of sugar market of region due absent invert sugar production from immobilized biocatalyst. The immobilization of enzyme was started with chemical modification of silane groups present with 2% 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane solution in toluene, through covalent binding immobilization of the alkyl amine to glutaraldehyde and subsequent attachment of the enzyme molecule to glutaraldehyde via Schiffâs base linkage. The protein amount and specific activity of the immobilized enzyme on 0.438 M sucrose (pH 5.0 at 45ÂC) were 1.37 mg/ 0.25g of particles and 0.67 U/mg protein (19.89 %) of that estimated for the free enzyme, respectively. The apparent Km for immobilized invertase was approximately 10-fold lower than free enzyme. Moreover, the results in bioreactor the effect of continuous flow injection (inffluent, effluent and alternated) showed obtained 100% of sucrose inversion at 16h of reaction with alternated flow injection


bioquimica ashes invertase imobilizaÃÃo cinzas de carvÃo mineral bioreactors biorreatoresmes immobilization invertase

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