Imaginario de estudantes de Biologia sobre as interações entre ciencia, tecnologia, sociedade e ambiente no contexto de uma disciplina de Geologia / The imaginaries of Biology students on the interactions between science, technology, society and the environment in a Geology class




This work seeks to understand how Biology licentiate students of a Brazilian public university produced meanings about on the interactions between science, technology, society and the environment in the context of a Geology class, as well as which ideas were developed and in which terms field activities carried out might be considered approximations to a STSE Education approach. The study is based on the concept of a Science, Technology, Society and Environment Education (STSE) and in the French school of Discourse Analysis (DA). The “imaginary”, which was included in the title of the study, is understood by DA as that which is believed to be real, a belief that materializes on and by means of a discourse or that with which an individual explains what the world is and how parts are played in it, all of which filtered by social, historical, political and economic constructs. In order for questions to relate to the class and specifically to fieldwork - while still queried about aspects regarding science, technology, society and the environment - students were subjected to a semi-structured interview. As to the STSE background, recurring topics on the theme’s literature - such as citizen education, participation, decision-making and the non-neutrality of science and scientists (besides a topic entitled “being a researcher, being a teacher”) - were pointed out. Discourse analysis on student speech indicate that they believe that citizen participation and decision-making in science- and technology-related matters are believed to be conditioned on mastering the hegemonic scientific knowledge. Other forms of knowledge are silenced by science’s exclusive sense of truth and come to vanish from the imaginaries of those in the same culture. Also noteworthy were the ideas on science, technology, society and the environment based on biology. The geology class brought about changes in the students senses concerning science, society and the environment, especially when the teacher presented an issue for an assignment as a variable within the environment, thus generating a social-environmental perspective - in contrast with the notion of environment as restricted to animals and plants.


ciencias - estudo e ensino (superior) licenciatura science and environment fieldwork discourse analysis analise do discurso science teaching biology stidents estudantes de biologia ciencias ambientais - brasil educação - trabalho de campo licentiate s degree

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