Image without image : an approach to Meister Echhart´s theory of knowledge by the hermeneutical principle of Imago-Bild / A imagem sem imagem : uma abordagem da teoria do conhecimento de Meister Eckhart através do principio hermeneutico da imago-bild




The purpose of this thesis is to present and try to understand the organization of Meister Eckhart s theory of knowledge which, starting from the scholastic distinction among sensitive perception, knowledge by representation and knowledge by intuition, goes beyond a simple cognitive journey. For Dominican Master, the purpose of knowledge is to get to know God perfectly and its condition sine qua non is forsaking all material images. The concept of image (imago in Latin, Bild in German) in eckhartian theory, is a truly hermeneutical principle which renders possible the access to knowledge, comprehension and elucidation of the most intricate knots of his thought. The methodological resource used to reach the objectives settled beforehand corresponds to creative process of form in the sculpture, according to a Plotinian metaphor that Eckhart himself makes use of. So, in first three chapters, the fragments that occult the "image without image" of which turingian talks are removed little by little: the Aristotelic, Neoplatonic and Christian reflection about image and the eckhartian production too, in Latin or in Mittelhochdeutsch. Through this analysis, the presence of two traditions is recognized: the philosophical tradition of representation (in the theory of knowledge) and theological tradition of the Son as image. In the last chapter, the imago- Bild is reconstructed from three perspectives: hermeneutical, theological and ethic. This approach to Meister Eckhart`s theory of knowledge allows to recognize three fundamental aspects, namely: the need of detachment of all images of creatures, expressed by the verb entbilden and the feminine noun Entbildung; a double possibility of interpretation of imago-Bild, active and passive, which considers man as God`s aspectum and God as man`s respectum, united in the unique reality like the model and image are unum; the last objective of the knowledge of God, that is a re-cognizing of His image in the depth of the soul, where man finds his similarity with Him in the dissimilarity of himself and of all creatures.


imagem (filosofia) teoria do conhecimento theory of knowledge image (philosophy)

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