Ilhas de alta produtividade : inovação essencial para a manutenção do seringueiro nas reservas extrativistas




The sustainability of the vegetable extractivism of the rubber has been center of great discussions in the Amazonian region. That activity is considered unviable economically and suffers from inherent technological delay to the culture, besides inferior economical performance to the other activities. Extractives Reserves (RESEX) appear as alternatives of sustainable development for the region, in special in the state of Acre. The low proportionate incomes for the traditional extractive activities are causing enormous difficulties for the maintenance so much of the rubber tappers (seringueiros) as of the own forest. The aim of this work is to analyze the paper of the incorporation of the technological progress foreseen at the Islands of High Productivity (IAPs), implanted in RESEX "Chico Mendes", in the municipal district of Xapuri-AC, as main agent of a process of feasibility of the vegetable extractivism, in special of the rubber. One works with the hypothesis that with the incorporation of technological innovation, especially in the productive process, the activities extractives can make possible the economical performance of the seringueiros inside of their units of production. The work is referenced for the approach evolutionist and neo-schumpeterian. Thus, IAPs are analyzed while an innovation process and it was searched for to apprehend their qualitative characteristics. For the economical-environmental analysis of IAPs traditional indicators of analysis Cost-Benefit were used (Net Present Value, Internal of Return Rate and relationship Benefit-Cost), also indicators related to the concept of Total Economical Value. The results demonstrated the viability as well as economical as environmental of implanted IAPs, have seen the maintenance of the seringueiros and of the preservation of the environment. Hence, in searching of sustainable development for the Units of Conservation, special in RESEX, in the Amazonian region, IAPs can be a sustainable productive alternative, because beyond to generate significant increment of income to the families, they accumulate a primordial function inside of the system: reforestation. In addition, the important role of the technological innovations is evidenced in the promotion of the changes requested in the process of development of the region, especially in the areas of dense forest.


recursos naturais - conservação - amazonia produtos florestais - amazonia - aspectos ambientais. produtos florestais - amazonia - aspectos economicos

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