Hysteresis in brazilian manufactured exports: a panel cointegration analysis / Hysteresis nas exportações manufaturadas brasileiras: uma análise de cointegração com dados em painel




In spite of the recent fall of the growth rate of Brazilian exports, the response of external sales to the appreciation of the exchange rate has been slower than what was predicted by economic theory. These evidences suggest that deviations from a long-run relationship between exchange rate and exports may take longer to be corrected, motivating the investigation of the presence of hysteresis in Brazilian international trade. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the applicability of the theory of macro-hysteresis to Brazilian manufactured exports. Thus, a distinct methodology is proposed: including a hysteretic variable in the equations of export supply and demand as an explanatory variable. This variable is constructed as the method developed by Piscitelli et al. (2000) and will be tested in order to assess its power in capturing the hysteretic effect. This study uses panel data which allow for heterogeneity among the industrial sectors and admits testing the hysteresis hypothesis in the aggregate exports through disaggregated information; hence, panel data will lead to more efficiency when estimating models. Furthermore, the stationarity of the data series is investigated through panel unit root and cointegration tests and the long run relationship parameters are estimated. Results confirm the hypothesis of the presence of a hysteretic relationship, especially in the demand equations.


exportações brasileiras hysteresis brazilian exports taxa real de câmbio cointegração em painel real exchange rate hysteresis panel cointegration

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