Hygienic-sanitary aspects, food handlers, managers and consumers. The situation of the fast food restaurants in the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ. / Aspectos higiênico-sanitários, manipuladores de alimentos, gerentes e consumidores: situação das lanchonetes do tipo fast food da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ.




In the last years, due to the change in the eating habits, it is possible to observe an increase of the segment of meal production out of home. The fast food restaurants are the most expressive in the food service industry. However, they remain understudied in the aspects related to the hygienic-sanitary conditions, food handlers, managers and consumers. Thus, this study aims to evaluate these aspects of the fast food restaurants in the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ. The evaluation of the hygienic-sanitary conditions was carried out from May to August, 2006 by means of a check-list according to the current legislation. The referring data to the 100 food handlers, 12 managers and 300 consumers were collected through interviews with questionnaires previously tested and after the Research Ethics Committee approval. The analysis showed that all the 12 establishments presented irregularities regarding infrastructure. As for equipment and utensils, the frequency of inadequate hygienic cleaning was verified, as well as the absence of the register of hygienic cleaning in 58.0% of the establishments. In 50.0% of these places, the food handlers were in dark-colored, badly conserved uniforms. There was also absence of continuous training for these workers in 75.0% of the establishments and reception and storage of foods under inadequate temperatures in 67.0% of these places. The majority of the establishments (75.0%) possessed the Good Manufacturing Practices manual. However, all the fast food restaurants showed inefficiency to the application of the BPF. The data collected from the interviews carried out with the food handlers and managers of the establishments showed that these workers bear correct perceptions regarding food hygiene. As for the interviews with the consumers, 49.0% said they take their meals in fast food restaurants weekly. The majority of them (73.0%) considered the cleanness of the establishment as the most important factor while picking a place to eat. The results suggest a greater applicability of the Good Manufacturing Practices manual in the analyzed places, as well as the adoption of continuous training programs for the food handlers and managers of the establishments in order to guarantee the quality in the meal production. It is also suggested that the factors that are considered the most important ones for the consumers in a food service are known, since they have become more and more demanding in relation to the services they use.


manipuladores de alimentos fast-food restaurants lanchonetes fast food condições higiênico-sanitárias tecnologia de alimentos hygienic-sanitary conditions food handlers

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